02/18 DIY Projects

Craving Color

Craving ColorI’ve definitely noticed lately that the sun is staying out just a bit longer, meaning Spring is around the corner, AND there are about to be more hours of daylight, AND my race against the sun for photographing projects before it gets too dark is about to get a whole lot less frantic (fellow blog buddies, give me a shout and a “heck yes”).  Basically, I’m prematurely excited for the change in seasons, and with that comes changes in what’s inspiring me and grabbing my attention lately.  Is it any surprise that I foresee a colorful phase approaching?

I wouldn’t say I’m normally color-adverse, but going bold with colors is usually not my first line of action.  Still, I find myself craving color so much more lately, particularly bright jewel tones and deep pastels.  I’m itching to experiment with these colors, but first I’m finding inspiration in different places.  If you’re craving color inspiration too, open your eyes wide and take it all in.



banana leaves


peach wall

floor pattern
Tangent.  I’ve been making more of an effort to change up where I draw inspiration from.  I’ll for sure always gawk at and be inspired by other interiors and DIYs, but sometimes that can build up walls, ya know?  I’ve been battling creative blocks recently, so thought I’d take a step back and try out different approaches to finding inspiration.  Of course, I keep track of it all on my favorite ever Pinterest, which is where I came across all of today’s inspiration (lots more where this came from, folks.)

Feeling inspired by any of these images?  Can’t wait for Spring??  Also, where do you typically look to find inspiration?

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

17 comments on “Craving Color”

    1. So many #bloggerproblems haha! Yea I just about died when I first saw that citrus image and am still thinking about in what way I can possibly bring something like that into my life.

  1. Two words, HECK YES!

    Also some more. Totally understand where you’re coming from with needing to find outside sources of inspiration. With the better weather I’m hoping to get outside and more and find some inspiration from the ‘real world’ ;)

    Gorgeous colour combos!

    1. Hahaha you always have my back <3 Ain't it funny that we spend so much of our time in blog world yet we consider anything outside of that the 'real world'. Pretty much sums up the general idea I was getting at, and you're right, it's time to go outside more and not be on Pinterest all day :P

  2. I am ALL about colour, so I adore these images! I particularly love the two sets of blue and white tiles, gorgeous! I can feel some inspiration for our kithen renovation coming on….! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing these beautiful and inspiring photographs you found! I’m considering getting into photography myself. (Just in time for Spring!) What camera do you use? Any advice for a beginner?

    1. Jen, what an amazing compliment. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and see what goes on around here. Thank you so much!!!

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